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Welcome to my humble abode. Feel free to sit down a while and warm yourself by my fire. I write here mainly to inspire, encourage, perhaps confront, to empower, and to change. If you leave with a lighter step, an answer to a question, really questioning long held ideas that may not be taking you where you need to go, or with a lot of new things to consider, I will have done my job. Please enjoy your stay. With love, ~Mother Star

Blog Archive

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Adventures in RCIA - To be Confirmed, or Not Be Confirmed

Well, my current struggle concerns whether or not to be confirmed. I began RCIA absolutely sure I wanted to be confirmed, however, if I am required to accept all the dogmas about Mary to do so, then I cannot. It's simply not an option.
I find denominationalism a sad thing, and I think it will be important for the Catholic attitude about this subject to loosen up if they and the orthodox church are ever to reunite.
I did a web search about being or remaining Catholic without receiving all of the 4 dogmas about Mary. I found a lot of haughty-taughty talking-down to people answers when others posed this question. Some people seemed to think you could actually go to hell for not believing it. If that is the case, then I will not be confirmed.
I find it funny though, that there are Catholics mad at Pope Francis, there are Catholics who regard most of the revisions of Vatican II to be ungodly, and call this a time of chastisement for the Catholic church, and etc. Yet, according to the doctrine of Papal infallibility, they can't do that and still be Catholic.
The mayor of NYC was promoting abortion like crazy, even though Catholic doctrine says he is to be excommunicated if he participates in abortion in any way. There are supposedly Catholic organizations that are openly gay and support "Gay theology." They have not been excommunicated.
There is at least one nun going around promoting abortion. I do not believe in any of this stuff, but are these people still catholic?
If they can be part of the church and not agree on those doctrines,some of which promise excommunication for disobedience, then what about me?
These are questions I hope I can answer after the next RCIA class.
I hope to be able to update this issue within the next couple of weeks.


~Mother Star
My questions about Mary make confirmation a question, not a certainty.
I pray for clarification on where to go with this issue and what to do.

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