Do I believe in anointing the sick? Absolutely. However, I do not believe that officially joining a your church first or being part of your denomination should be requirement first.
I went down at the alter call and sat in the pews reserved those wanting to receive anointing off the sick. Fr. John skipped me and refused to anoint of pray for me. He said, "We'll talk later."
I left early that day.
Later, Fr. John explained that the Sacrament of Prayer for the Sick is only for confirmed catholics. Why? Same reason as communion, nobody else believes in it. He came from a Pentecostal background, and seemed to feel that prayer for the sick was trivialized or something, when anybody could do it.
Scripture and the lives of Jesus and his Apostles sing a different tune to Catholic doctrine on this issue.
In the John 5:1-16 Jesus healed a guy who did not seem to know or care who He was.
When He was being arrested, Jesus healed one of the Temple guards who came to get Him. (Luke 22:50-52).
In John 2:23, 4:31, 7:31, we see that many people believed in Jesus because of the miracles.
In Acts 3:1-10, Peter and John were going to the temple,and healed a guy who was asking for money, not to be healed. There is no evidence that he was a disciple before this.
The Great Commission says that signs of laying hands on the sick and they recover will follow those who believe, not just leaders or elders or priests.
In the small,not well known churches and non-famous minsters I knew growing up, people got healed. My grandmother even got healed. I got healed, seriously.
None of us experienced this as a "Sacrament". I know of no one getting healed when they had that prayer and anointing event that I was refused due to not being confirmed yet.
I believe the Church is guilty of quenching the Spirit in this situation,and pray that through Pope Francis' and others' reforms, by the power of the Holy Spirit, this situation will be rectified.
In conclusion, I would like to share the powerful testimony of some protestant missionaries i have been privileged to know. Please enjoy this video prayerfully, and remember that not every culture or Christian community is as ritualed or subdued as ours, but they love God just as much, He uses them powerfully, and He would like to use all of us powerfully too.
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