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Welcome to my humble abode. Feel free to sit down a while and warm yourself by my fire. I write here mainly to inspire, encourage, perhaps confront, to empower, and to change. If you leave with a lighter step, an answer to a question, really questioning long held ideas that may not be taking you where you need to go, or with a lot of new things to consider, I will have done my job. Please enjoy your stay. With love, ~Mother Star

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Adventures in RCIA - Ecumenism

For those who want to know, Catholicism and Protestantism are essentially the same. The things that unite protestant churches also unite them to Catholicism.
There are people within every sect that have notions outside of the precepts of that sect. There are also misunderstandings and mistakes that people sometimes assume are a reflection of the beliefs of a sect or determine whether or not the whole sect is Christian or not.
This is where prejudice often comes from.

Calvinists and Pentecostals have HUGE differences between themselves. Larger, I think, then between Pentecostals and Orthodox or Pentecostals and Catholics. There are also Charismatic Catholics. Pope Francis is one of these , He has addressed several Charismatic conventions. It was upon reading this I decided it was time to join the Catholic Church. It was something I though seriously about for along time, and that is what did it. I note that this Pope is extremely interested in unifying Christians from everywhere, and emphasizes ecumenism.He feels the Charismatic movement plays a vital role in this, and I agree.

So, in the spirit of unity and ecumenism, I present some of my thoughts about ecumenism, and how it could be practiced. I do intend to resume volunteering and activity with the local A.G. church after my RCIA class ends, provided my services are needed and accepted and the demands of making a living allow it. It will not interfere with Mass, as I go to Mass on Saturday afternoons and can attend any day of the week - that was actually another reason for making the move now, I had a work schedule that made Sunday morning service hard to get to and the A.G. church stopped having service on Wednesday nights.


~Mother Star

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