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Welcome to my humble abode. Feel free to sit down a while and warm yourself by my fire. I write here mainly to inspire, encourage, perhaps confront, to empower, and to change. If you leave with a lighter step, an answer to a question, really questioning long held ideas that may not be taking you where you need to go, or with a lot of new things to consider, I will have done my job. Please enjoy your stay. With love, ~Mother Star

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Adventures in RCIA: The Bible

Well, I am in the process of joining the Catholic church. I am looking for the first time at these "new" books, which my protestant brothers call "The Apocrypha." The book of Sirach, which I read from in the video, was not canonized by Jews, but the earlychuch canonized it. I do not know when, and do not yet know whether the original apostles like Peter and St. Paul the Great considered it the inspired word of God or not. I doubt it. I donot think it is, though I do think parts of it are anointed and that is has some value. I just do not believe it has the divine authority of Scripture. Sirach was openly misogynistic, he did not just have a differentiating view of gender roles, he came out and said having a daguhter was a curse, not a blessing. El Shaddai spoke to Moses and said to give daughters land,justliek was customarily done with boys, and many other things that indicate a respectful and valuing attitude toward women. Lady Wisdom was not sexualized in Proverbs like she was in Sirach. This may be why the ancient Jews never considered him insired. In any case, they didn't and I don't either. Most of these were written during the time my protestant brethren call, "400 years of silence," the ideabeing that godjust shut up the wholetime and did not send any important prophets or offer any guidance. Then, I was taught, God started talking again like crazy. Well, maybe so. But we talk a lot about the early church and how the early church did tis ad that. The early church cannonized alot of this, and the oldest churches there are still use some or all of it. So, I am beginning my journey through "the Apocrypha" if indeed that is what it all is.

I will post more about this when I know more. I am excited to read about Bel and the Dragon, and Judith, and Susanna. The Song of the Three Jews is beautiful. I just do not have a clue about whether it really was sung by Daniel's three freinds when they were thrown into the furnace for being faithful to God. Their names may have been put in later, when people shoved it in with Daniel's writings, but maybe not. SOMEBODY wrote an annointed worship song, I just do not know if it was really written by who it is attributed to.

 I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Goodnight and Godspeed.

~Mother Star

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