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Welcome to my humble abode. Feel free to sit down a while and warm yourself by my fire. I write here mainly to inspire, encourage, perhaps confront, to empower, and to change. If you leave with a lighter step, an answer to a question, really questioning long held ideas that may not be taking you where you need to go, or with a lot of new things to consider, I will have done my job. Please enjoy your stay. With love, ~Mother Star

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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Setting Yourself Free Through Releasing Other People

This exercise is aimed mostly at Christian people, of whatever sect, who have been wounded in or by the Christian community. It is hard sometimes, but it works. I must say,some of the injury I have had to let God help me to pardon are huge. It is not an insensitive thing for God to require this of us.it is love for us that drives this requirement.

Write down a list of everybody who has offended you,who has attacked you in the name of God for any reason, or any that can you can recall. People who, right to or wrong in their intent, they handled things the wrong way, anyway.

When done, begin at the top of the list and pray for each one of them, one by one. Don't say, "Oh God, change this person," say,"Lord, I thank you that at the cross, you paid for the mistakes they made against me and against any others they ever hurt. I thank you for the nails you took to pay the penalty for that sin against me, and to heal the rift between me and this person/this group of individuals. I thank you Lord for the good you have placed in them when you made them and called them from the foundation of the world. I ask you to heal any and all hurts in their life, that may or may not make them act ugly. I ask you to bless them, to touch their family, to grant them their dreams, and keep them safe from all harm. Let them know how deeply and truly you love them Lord,every day." If you find that you cannot do that, or that all you can do is say "God change this person, show them how bad/wrong they are/were" then you probably have unforgiveness against that person or group. In which case, then pray "Lord I choose to forgive ____, I release them to you. I accept your sacrifice on their behalf as enough to let them and all they ever did to me go. Forgive ME also Lord, for holding this grudge for so long when you have already taken care of this at such a great cost to yourself. If there are any other things I am holding onto Lord, or doing that are not Your plan for me,please convict me and show me, Amen." Then proceed with the blessing prayers. If you still can't do them, keep working with the other prayers, and worshiping, just focusing on /God's goodness and glory and what Jesus did for you and such like. Keep at it until you find deliverance. Corrie ten Boom,when faced with a worker from the concentration camp she'd been in, had to say, "God, I cannot forgive him. give me your forgiveness." Then she shook his hand, feeling nothing but coldness until their hands actually touched. THEN she truly felt warmth for the person. Sometimes it is not wise for us to have any contact with those who have hurt us,because they will do it again. It might even endanger some folks' lives! So just ask the Lord to help you say the prayer, and it will be like shaking that former Nazi's hand.
I strongly advise against  going out and telling people all the things you forgave them, for or telling others all the things you forgave them for. and other such like (unless perhaps you know for a fact they are sorry and have repented and are really hoping you would forgive them), Let it go.

You do not have to get back in relationship with a person to forgive them, especially if they don't want that and/or you would be likely to suffer again if you did so.
Forgiveness is one person's choice, relationship is a two-way street with responsibilities and expectations on both sides; it takes trust and give-and-take for it to work. Things don't have to be set for a relationship to work in order for you to practice forgiveness and set yourself free. 
This exercise, and forgiveness is between you and yourself and God, not so much you and them.
You need to let them go, not fix them. Fixing them is between them and themselves and God, not you.

Also some relationships will just have to change. You may not trust someone with your money again, you may not want to marry them, or to date them, or to let them babysit your kids or drive your car or whatever. You may become like friendly acquaintances, or be friends, but not be BFFs anymore. Or, you might be fully restored someday, but not right now and not even be planning on it. 

Unforgiveness is bad for ones health, physically and emotionally, and leaves open door for Satan to wreak havoc in ones' life in numerous of ways.
Remember who the real enemy is, you have only one. None of us are called to fight any people, ANY people; we have only one enemy, who is the enemy of all. 


~Mother Star

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