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Welcome to my humble abode. Feel free to sit down a while and warm yourself by my fire. I write here mainly to inspire, encourage, perhaps confront, to empower, and to change. If you leave with a lighter step, an answer to a question, really questioning long held ideas that may not be taking you where you need to go, or with a lot of new things to consider, I will have done my job. Please enjoy your stay. With love, ~Mother Star

Blog Archive

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Answers to Yesterday's Challenge

The song "Gloria" is about war. Its all about the glamorizing of large-scale armed conflict. It's supposed to be celebrating the numerous wars their ancestors fought in. Kind of like if Catholics wrote a bunch of tunes celebrating the crusades.... Probably nobody really needs that kind of thing.
Some of the imagery in the official videos degrades women, as do some of the lyrics sometimes.

Google translate's rendering of the lyrics is below. Remember, other languages are often structured very differently than ours. Google translate doesn't always do a good job with that; it often just does the individual words. You might have to look at it like "unscramble the words and find out what these people are talking about." But you can get an idea.

The songs of women and young men
in the clear shield is eternal
Report on the lips of our compatriots
scars he has been battling

Stand-do honor
name and sing
when a man bears kruunuaan
kingdom shoulders

Whispers dozens dying
he will hear from corpses
Provides a blessing earth
for weighing takes the gods

Kai guessed that hour, but
for the rest of the country will go the
So, once the, I guess the last
will he stand up in the saddle

Gods know it
I have lived according to the rules of honor
Any decision to change I
any street can not herald the right

Damn the day of its
when I fall down arrows to the enemy
I have shown you the way
it keep going when I no longer able to do

Wash the blood from his face
body carry your home
deeds tell
and the name of the stone cut down

Jeesus on Herra is a worship song, I would say.
Google translate's rendering of the lyrics is below.

Only You Lord, only You Lord, I love only you, my Lord.

You get the power, now confess that Jesus is Lord.
She is!

Hello there!
Why do not I do as You Want, if I love you so much?
Hello there!
Why I'm not going as You Want, if Sua praise and worship?

There is a really good video of Johanna's testimony on youtube as well.

So, how did you do?


~Mother Star

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