Sunday, September 21, 2014

ISIS - A Rant and a Video

This rant/sermon/whatever I write here isn't in the video AT ALL, but it's been on my heart/mind for a while.
As I look at it, I think the video and the rant balance each other. I do not want to see us getting into more war, but I do have concern for many people in the line of fire both now and in ISIS' dreams of the future.

I've been avoiding talk about ISIS. I believe in prayer for the persecuted and for ISIS, and I've prayed, but I don't like all the fighting, militancy, war-like mindset and the justification for it so many people offer up. Like I said in the description of the video, read Acts 9. What do you think Paul would do, before his conversion, if he had the tools they have at his disposal? Psalm 2, that I read in the video, speaks of God's wrath, not ours. I think it speaks of Judgment Day, and it was definitely not written during the Dispensation of Grace. Don't mistake my reading that passage for a call to physical arms. It is not.

I DO think ISIS is a serious problem, like Saul of Tarsus and Nero were all serious problems, and I think God will take care of it the same as He always has/will. Pray for revival among those people, don't think they are too far gone for God to reach them, and don't wish for their death/damnation. First and foremost, rebuke the demons that control them - imagine if you had a child who went wayward and actually joined them so you can see how God feels, and start binding demons off of people like you would if they were each your own kid. I think prayer like that is likely to bring mind-blowing results. Even one soul among them would be worth Jesus' cross, not just in spite of how bad they've been but BECAUSE of how bad they've been. I pray for their deliverance and that if there really is no other way for some of them to stop, that God will do whatever He must to stop this demonic work - that He will hinder their plans in all sorts of ways, confuse/divide them against each other, etc. If they truly must die, He could strike them down in so many ways... I really do pray that we will be able to stay out of it, physically. I do not believe He needs for our direct involvement in ending all their lives to stop them, even if they mostly don't repent (though I don't COMPLETELY rule out that He might use that to some degree sometime, just people seem way too quick to look to the gun to solve spiritual problems. It won't solve a thing, because the spirits will still be there working and will have even more pain, hate, grief, and offense to work with, perhaps on all sides. I think those demons will rejoice if we intervene violently because in so many people's lives, they will have won forever - some of those people could be U.S. soldiers. The red white and blue doesn't send you to heaven, only Jesus does and many of them are no more ready for eternity than the ISIS guys, and Jesus loves both groups equally, even if we don't). I really think ISIS is not the only ones guilty of a violent or prideful or us-against-them attitude. They might be tons worse, but even a drop of that attitude is sin. Many Christians do it too, even today, and seek scripture or their emotions to justify it. It is never justified, and we have less excuse because we know Jesus and they're basically deceived into worshiping Satan. Please try and remember this when you read the news, especially the really awful news. Don't mistake the puppets for the puppet master; pray against demonic attacks/works, not the people Jesus died for. Godspeed.

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