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Welcome to my humble abode. Feel free to sit down a while and warm yourself by my fire. I write here mainly to inspire, encourage, perhaps confront, to empower, and to change. If you leave with a lighter step, an answer to a question, really questioning long held ideas that may not be taking you where you need to go, or with a lot of new things to consider, I will have done my job. Please enjoy your stay. With love, ~Mother Star

Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Lament for Unlamented Innocent Blood

I had very rude awakening today. On some level, I knew that embracing nature and living closer to nature was not guaranteed to drive evil out a person, and cause them to understand the sanctity of life. However, it was still a painful slap in the face when in my permaculture class - which is always going on about welcoming life of all sorts and all forms, and not using it's convenience and usefulness to us to determine whether it has a right to life or has value - was telling of a holistic method for abortion. Someone came to him pregnant and said she didn't believe in birth control, but did not want to have any more kids, so the teacher has planted pennyroyal in his garden specifically to make this person miscarry. He said "I'm not saying you should do this," but he wanted to make sure all us women knew that if we "load up on pennyroyal, it will cause you to have a miscarriage. I'm just saying there's an herb for everything." Yea, and if you don't like somebody, I'm sure there are herbs you could give them to get them out of your way too, and I'm not sating you should do that either, there's just an herb for everything. Including all kinds of murder, and probably rape too. I cringe to think of it. Anything can become evil if its used wrongly, even mother nature, as I was hit over the head with about an hour ago. That really messed up my day!Murder is everywhere. Bloodshed is all around. There is only one way to peace, and that is through genuinely making the Prince of peace lord of your life. Where in nature do you see mothers seeking ways to cast their young? if we are supposed to observe nature and imitate natural patterns, what place does abortion have in our lives?It has no place. Intentionally causing death of our of spring has no place in our lives if we celebrate life. When he said that, and shared that information to equip all of us women to kill our children with herbs, it felt like there was nothing sacred or safe left in the world. No "holy ground" like they have in the Highlander mythos. And maybe in the natural there isn't any safe haven, but that is not going to cause me to give up. I still have the Holy Spirit with me wherever I must go. (S)He was with Corrie ten Boom in the Nazi concentration camp, and none of that violence was strong enough to drive away Corrie's Shelter. Murders going on, and people feeling the need to get the how-tos out there in case I or any other woman would like to do likewise, is not going to take away the Presence. The Presence will destroy the evil that is going on there, and bring healing, but not if God's children refuse to stay in the middle of it to bring that healing and hopefully that corrective influence.
I almost quit the class over that, but I didn't because I need that information to save lives, and to demonstrate that all this killing is not necessary or good for anyone. Those who live by the sword will die by it, as Jesus said. There is no defense in shedding innocent blood, no reason for killing our children, other people far away, and people who have lived here longer. 

We are fallen, and our fallen state effects us whether we are out trying to build and use chemical weapons or sitting at home trying to reduce our impact on the environment, leave more for other people, and practicing permaculture. There is nowhere in the world where innocent blood does not cry from the ground, and there is no movement, political or other wise, whose hands are not filthy with blood. If they oppose chemical birth control, they'll overdose on penny royal and kill the child that way. If they oppose abortion as homicide and know that life begins at conception, they support corporations that annihilate whole tribes by destroying all the resources the people have. Our polarized  andevidently demon-controlled political system has it set up that way. "God gave us this, he blessed us. We are better than other people. We deserve what we have, we earned it. Never mind that life was lost to provide it. They did not work hard enough to earn what was theirs to begin with. We are the only god-fearing nation that ever was, and therefore we get the goods and the rest of the world can either find a way to earn it back or just die. It's not our problem" "I don't want a baby, and I answer to no one but myself. This child is no child because I said so, and I also say it will die. Butt out of my business, unless you are going to help me do it" The justification varies. The methods vary. What does not vary is rebellious flesh, carnal nature that wants to determine its own path apart from the ways of El Shaddai and Adonai.
God, there is none like you. The rulers and even the non-rulers of the earth claim to be gods, they try to act as gods, but they are not gods. Creation reflects and testifies of your glory, nature proclaims your nature, but it is not You. There is only one You and while you are everywhere, and everything speaks of you, everything is still not you.
You are the only one who must be called master, you are the only real source of life. The evil in us blinds us to you, because it does not want to see you. It wants your place and your glory. It wants to be wise and all knowing, it wants to be the one who says what is right, and is always right. It wants to live with no authentic judge. It wants to destroy you and it wants to control you, or be you, all at the same time. But you have a right to judge, and you are right when you do judge. Right now, you have already judged sin, and have chosen for the moment not to judge us. I thank you for your mercy.
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Holy spirit only you convict and convince of sin, and your conviction is the first step to accepting your mercy. I ask lord that you will convict, and that you will convince of true right and true wrong. I ask that you will show me how to be of use to you. To let you do your job and to still be the teacher of truth that you want me to be. In Jesus name, amen.

1 comment:

  1. It is the 41st anniversary of the court date that legalized abortion in America and I share your sadness, having had the opportunity to have listened to a broadcast earlier today on Family Life Radio, during which time one of the speakers were explaining how much progress science have made in terms of the development of the fetus, which made me feel sad to know how easily a life could be snuffed out for what I believe is in 99.99% of all abortions probably the purest form of selfishness. I feel your emotion and not being of the female variety, perhaps easy to say...???
