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- Mother Star
- Welcome to my humble abode. Feel free to sit down a while and warm yourself by my fire. I write here mainly to inspire, encourage, perhaps confront, to empower, and to change. If you leave with a lighter step, an answer to a question, really questioning long held ideas that may not be taking you where you need to go, or with a lot of new things to consider, I will have done my job. Please enjoy your stay. With love, ~Mother Star
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- I agree but yet I do not: What is wrong with this ...
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Carnality and Subculture People Who Self-identify as Christians
I got out of a certain Facebook group conversation about lust. It was a volatile one anyway, but then some people came on there saying lust was not sin and it was part of gods' design and to look and fantasize is just a little fun in which there is no harm unless you start making plans how you are going to act on it. I was of course called self-righteous and was told I acted like I had the truth and etc. and was called a hypocrite. a hypocrite is a person who says one thing and does another. I am not that. I call it lust and sin if I entertain thoughts about stuff that belongs within marriage about someone I am not married to and may not have any inclination to marry for that matter. I don't call it that if it pops in my head and I throw it off, just if I let it roll for however long. I quoted the scripture and said "this is what it says" and they said I had "played the God card" by showing from scripture what he lord asks of us. they said it was unhelpful and offensive and that i was setting my opinions as god's when I did that. I said "Jesus said it is written all the time, and he taught as one who had authority, not as the scribes. If you don't like people doing that, then you wouldn't like his teaching either". I heard professing Christians say, "I think, feel and do this or that, and it is not wrong and God does not mind and I DO NOT CARE WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS" emphasis mine (somehow it was not setting themselves up as god to do that, though. go figure).
How did we get like that in our community?! Why are we so carnal? I have been abused by the church pretty badly myself. the one time i was sexually assaulted was in a church. I also lived in a place for girls off the street that was in the middle of nowhere and came out only knowing my name and my birthday about myself. Due to the so-called deliverance and counseling they did only for me (because I was Goth) that was conditional for getting to stay and i would have to walk fifty miles to town with venomous snakes and such around if i left or was kicked out and they knew i had no where to go, I finished their program unsure what i liked or didn't like and even doubting some of my own memories. they only did that to subcultures people, and i was the first. normally they really helped people get their lives together. It took me 6 years to really start recovering. THAT experience does not give me a right to dismiss things I hear in church that I don't like if I actually find it in God's word. Even if the way it is said is an emotional "trigger" it does not change God's will for my life or make God's word just another opinion I can take or leave and still call myself Christian. It's unlikely most Goths have had any worse crap from Christians in the name of God than I did, but somehow their experiences make it ok to make God up as they go and if someone stands with God then THAT person is a hypocrite whether or not the person practices what they preach. What is the issue? How does one become so carnal?
I need to review Ezekiel 3, which is what God gave me when he called me and he said "I will not make you a reprover among them, for they are most rebellious... but when i open your mouth...say exactly what i give you to say.be not dismayed before their faces for they are a rebellious house... he who hears, let him hear,and he who forebears let him forbear, for they are most rebellious" I always though the was just talking about the non-Christains, I thought most christian goths would pretty devoted and strong, because they would have be to hold on when the mainline church and the world both came against them. I guess I was mistaken, a lot of people in the subculture are just as carnal as any you'll find in the mainline, and perhaps a little more openly and unashamedly so... *sign* I pray that i will have discernment when God is opening my mouth and when I am. Then and only then can I be sure I am pleasing him when I stand my ground in an argument, because it is not fun. "Answer not a fool according to his folly lest you be like unto him. Answer a fool according to his folly lest he be wise in his own eyes" "there is a time to speak and a time to refrain form speaking". I think this time I was not supposed to talk, but I did. Even if I was right, I was unhelpful and accomplished perhaps nothing. Oh well. I'll live.
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