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Welcome to my humble abode. Feel free to sit down a while and warm yourself by my fire. I write here mainly to inspire, encourage, perhaps confront, to empower, and to change. If you leave with a lighter step, an answer to a question, really questioning long held ideas that may not be taking you where you need to go, or with a lot of new things to consider, I will have done my job. Please enjoy your stay. With love, ~Mother Star

Monday, July 6, 2015

Eagles Don't Fly from Nest to Nest

"Eagles don't fly from nest to nest" - Lakotah teaching on human sexual morals.

I know it upsets guys to hear this, like it upsets people if you tell them god didn't make them gay. but if you don't believe stuff the world and the enemy tell you about yourself (identity) and your sexuality, it makes it a lot easier not to give in to the temptations, and to even become free of the attacks at all to one degree or other. There are guys out in jungles and remote places and they get in conversations with westerners, called anthropologists (who do not even believe God's teaching on sexual morals and who sometimes seem to do all they can to twist their research in favor of their corrupted ones), and they are forced to admit that many tribal guys can't wrap their mind around why anyone would go to a strip club, or why anyone would pursue things like porn.

Lust by itself, like in strip clubs and porn and such, doesn't make any babies, it doesn't make any bonds between people that get them through things together. It doesn't discharge any of the natural functions of sexuality in human lives, at all. There are no creatures out in the wild looking for a chance to watch each other mate,let alone giving up food or nesting material or whatever in exchange for a chance to see it. There is actually no support for the notion that lust like this is natural. It truly isn't found in every human society and isn't found, as far is I know, in ANY animals at all.
Eagles don't fly from nest to nest. According to Russel Means and Bayard Johnson's book, wild canines like wolves and coyotes do not mate promiscuously. Only alpha females and alpha males mate, and only with each other. non-alpha females do get in heat and there are males present but mating does not occur for one reason or other. Domesticated dogs are not particular about mate choice, but those with no human intervention and alteration are very particular. The Lakotah guys I was reading basically interpret the behavior of wild canines as a form of monogamy and take it as testimony from nature that faithfulness in marriage is the dictate of "natural law"or "Universal Law" as they call it, and the will of the Great Spirit for their lives.
Apex predators, which humans are, do not need to multiply like rabbits to keep their balanced spot in an ecosystem. Male apex predators don't behave the way THIS society says men are hardwired to live, and humans are apex predators. Yes it is possible for us all to be tempted to step outside God's balanced plan for our sexuality, but no, he did not hardware our species to do so, not even males. That's what they teach us in women's books, that men are hardwired to be "sexual hunters" to look for chances to mate everywhere, like they would look for food. There is no actual support for that in the natural world and there are even unreached people groups who don't have that view. Mice live like that, they are near the bottom of the food chain and are almost defenseless, but you're not a mouse and neither am I. We - any of us - aren't designed to think/be promiscuous, any more than wolves and eagles are. That is a lie of the devil as much as hardwired homosexuality is, and the church needs to get a grip on truth if we're going to live in freedom God has for us,let alone be light in this gross degree of darkness,
I hope this didn't sound like an attack. It's not one. Truth will make you free, whether it hurts or not, but I hope of course that it doesn't/didn't.


~Mother Star

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