You can't lose what you are!
You cannot lose what you are, you simply cannot. If God made
you something, a man or a woman, you can't do anything to not be that. “Be a
man!” is like telling the water to be wet, or to be water.
Lucifer was created a powerful celestial being, and was
created to worship God. He fell, and his nature was corrupted beyond redemption
(Ez.28:11-19, Is. 14:12-20). Yet in Jude verse 9, we see that he is still a
powerful celestial being. His nature was corrupted, he lost his job forever,
his destiny was not fulfilled, yet what he was, the basic thing that he was,
did not change. He still is that.
In Judges 19:22-30 we find a group of rapists assaulting
somebody until she died! I can’t say much for the guy she was actually with,
either. It does not say anywhere that any of these guys were OK to behave as
they did, but it does say that they were men - “Men of Belial [the devil]” or
in the NASB “a perverse lot” is what it calls them. Their natures were corrupted
severely, whether beyond redemption or not we don't know, but pretty darn bad.
Even with guys this bad, the Bible doesn't say that they were not men at all, it
says what kind of men they were – really super-crappy ones. They did not lose
basically what they were, but their destinies were not getting fulfilled by them acting like that. They are did the opposite of what they were created to do – I think the
guy she was with did too – but they were still men, just as Satan is basically a
celestial being like he has always been.
You get to choose what kind of man you are, but it is not up to you to make yourself one. God
already did that; that ship has sailed. You cannot lose your manhood by losing
your job, or by any kind of moral failure, no matter how bad, or by anything
bad happening to you or by anything anyone does to you. No matter what anyone says.
It is an incredibly painful thing to think that you are not
what you are, particularly as far as gender is concerned. People will go to mind-boggling extremes to satisfy the need to believe they are men or women, and parents will go to amazing lengths for their kids in this area too. It even seems to be a stronger drive than self-preservation or avoidance of physical pain. or than protecting kids from harm. Below, I have embedded footage of one of the less horrific male rights of passage I've heard of. Its pretty intense! Some initiations for girls are even worse than almost any I've heard of for boys. It can't be fun to
walk around feeling like “the other shoe is going drop any minute” and expose you as some kind of posturing phony, or "not a 'real' man" or some such. Dude, there
is no other shoe. There can be no other shoe. God making you what you are is
not a shoe in the first place, therefore there is no need to assume there's
another one gonna show up any minute that will be the opposite somehow. It
can't happen. There is only what is, and that's what you are. You can't lose
that. So stop worrying about it, and letting Satan push you around by telling
you any impossible “If… then…” stuff, putting conditions on something that
cannot even change. Your mind is your mind, you have control over what goes on
up there. You don’t have to believe what is not true, regardless of what those
around you believe or say.
There is nothing you can ever need to prove to God, God made you and knows everything about you, and He understands everything.
There is nothing you can ever need to prove to God, God made you and knows everything about you, and He understands everything.
Again, there is nothing you can ever need to prove to God, and God's opinion is the only one that ultimately counts.
Any situation or threat that causes you to doubt yourself, to fear or wonder in this area, honestly cannot actually take what you are away from you. All it's doing is showing you where you have built your "house" of gender identity, and perhaps self-worth, on sand instead of rock. If you really aren't enough for whatever you have been called to do or created for, than God failed, since you did not make yourself. Can God fail? Can God get it wrong? Or do we sometimes ask things of ourselves and each other that He doesn't, putting human will above His? Can God do shoddy craftsmanship, or do we just not appreciate or understand what he made in us? He can't fail, and he made you. That is the rock that identity should be built on. Everything else is merely sand.
Any situation or threat that causes you to doubt yourself, to fear or wonder in this area, honestly cannot actually take what you are away from you. All it's doing is showing you where you have built your "house" of gender identity, and perhaps self-worth, on sand instead of rock. If you really aren't enough for whatever you have been called to do or created for, than God failed, since you did not make yourself. Can God fail? Can God get it wrong? Or do we sometimes ask things of ourselves and each other that He doesn't, putting human will above His? Can God do shoddy craftsmanship, or do we just not appreciate or understand what he made in us? He can't fail, and he made you. That is the rock that identity should be built on. Everything else is merely sand.
“Woe to him who says to his father, 'What begettest thou?'
or to the woman, 'What have you brought forth?” “Woe to him who says to his
maker, 'What makest thou?' or 'Thy work, he hath no hands.'” To doubt yourself
in this manner is to doubt God, and that is actually a sin. Sin is to be
resisted, not accommodated, or accepted as status quo. Declare war on it. “The
weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for the pulling down
of strongholds. We demolish arguments and any high and lofty thing that exalts
itself against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make
it obedient to Christ.” A “stronghold” is pretty much a mindset or a
deep-seated belief that is not true, in this case it is a cultural entrenchment.
There are peoples in the world who don’t think men need to “prove their
manhood” all the time. At least as late as the early 1990’s, the Minangkabau of
West Sumatra, Indonesia and the Mbuti of the Ituri forest in Congo were
I challenge you to begin to prayerfully pursue and root out anything in your life that reinforces these lies for you that you actually have control over (some things in our lives that do this, we don't have control over, but we're not responsible for that) – especially your media choices and the things that you say. I don't care if it is Christ-professing or well-intentioned media or whatever kind of influence it is. Maybe there is some good mixed in with the bad; mixing about six spoonfuls of potent vitamins with a teaspoon or so of rat poison is still gonna make you sick. Get rid of it. If you can identify what it is, than get rid of it if you can. Give the enemy no place in your life.
It’s been around 20 years since I began the process of removing the poison of pornography and “women’s magazines” that basically tell me how to fix everything that is not even wrong with my appearance, and other such crap out of my life. I can say that it is a difficult process sometimes, and at times it is a sacrificial road to walk for a little while, but is well worth it. I encourage you to prayerfully give it a go.
Take care and Godspeed.
~Mother Star
God made everything in nature what it is. Despite how confused we humans can get about ourselves, either thinking to much or too little of ourselves, who and what we are doesn't go away. We can't putout the sun by disbelieving init, and w can't cease to be who we are no mattr what we think or how we feel or what we do because we doubt ourselves.